Narendra Modi visit Ranganathaswamy Temple
Narendra Modi visit Ranganathaswamy Temple
Narendra Modi visit Ranganathaswamy Temple in Srirangam in Tamil Nadu’s Tiruchirappalli on January 20.”All devotees of India are very happy that our PM is visiting Srirangam. The temple is one of the most ancient temple complexes in the country and finds mention in various ancient texts including the Puranas and the Sangam era texts.
Construction of Ranganathaswamy temple
It is famous for its architectural grandeur and its numerous iconic gopurams. Srirangam is a beautiful island, surrounded by river Cauvery on the South and Kollidam on the North . Sri Renganathaswamy temple construction is one of the longest in India. It is one of the most popular Vaishnavite temples in India. He further asserted that it was the first time a Prime Minister was visiting the temple.
Festivals and Celebrations:
Srirangam Temple celebrates vibrant and colorful festivals which attract both devotees and visitors. During Vaikunta Ekadashi, heaven’s gates are said to open, and the temple sees an inflow of devotees performing special prayers and ceremonies. The Brahmotsavam celebration lasts 21 days and includes daily processions with the decked god, While the Rathotsavam adds spectacle with finely carved chariots drawn through the temple streets. These events not only have religious importance. But they also create a joyful environment while honoring the cultural legacy and customs of Srirangam temple.
Devotes are not permitted
Prime minister Narendira Modi is going to visit Arulmigu Ranganathar Swami temple on 20.01.2024.The District Collector of Trichy has announced that devotees are not permitted to conduct public darisanam until 2:30 p.m.
Traffic changes in Trichy
Heavy vehicles Traveling to Chennai via Trichy from southern districts have to pass through Dindigul, Manapparai, Kulithalai, Musiri, Thuraiyur, Perambalur. Thanjavur and Pudukottai route buses from Tiruchirappalli Central Bus Station should go through Trichy bypass. Buses from Chathram going to Cuddalore, Ariyalur, Perambalur should go through Chennai Bypass. Vehicles coming from No1 Tollgate to Chatram Bus Stand should go through National Highway excluding Thiruvanaikovil busy road. All city buses from Chatram to Srirangam have to go via Mambazhachalai, Thiruvannaikovil to Alagiripuram and come back en route.
Drivings and parkings are prohibited
Driving and parking of four-wheeled vehicles in the streets surrounding area of Srirangam has been prohibited due to the Prime Minister’s visit on January 20. Shops in the surrounding areas were also ordered to close on the day of Narendra Modi’s visit.
Helipad constructed on Trichy
A temporary helipad is being prepared near the Kollidam Bank in Srirangam for the Prime Minister’s visit. The helipad was tested on 19.01.2024. Trichy City Police have deployed more than 3,500 individuals for security duties for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit. He will arrive by a special aircraft from Chennai and will leave for Rameswaram after being devoted at the Lord Ranganatha Temple.